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/* Push Space >> 12 Columns
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.container_12 .push_6 {
.container_12 .push_7 {
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/* Pull Space >> 12 Columns
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The following zoom:1 rule is specifically for IE6 + IE7.
Move to separate stylesheet if invalid CSS is a problem.
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zoom: 1;
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/* IE7 inline-block hack */
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/* Darken IE7 buttons by default so they stand out more given they won’t have borders */
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/* Nav-Bar Search */
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/* Search Fields and Buttons */
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/* My Style */
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/* IE7 inline-block hack */
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/* IE6–IE9 */
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/* Store Categories */
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float: left;
72″ Monopod with Quick Release for DSLR Cameras/Camcorders
Pro Series 72″ Monopod w/ Quick Release
Product Specifications:
• Quick release head
• Fully padded handle grip
• Rubber leg tip with spike
• Rapid action locks
• 4 section aluminum alloy legs
• Lightweight and compact design
• 72″ height but it collapses to 21.5″
• 21.5″ lowest height from the ground
• Universal camera mount
• Wrist strap
• 10 year limited warranty
– quickly and easily remove oil and fingerprints with just a swipe on your LCD Screens of Lenses. Can also be used with or without cleaning solutions.
Brand | EcostConnection |
SpecificName | MPN |
SpecificValue | Ecc-3ljfam33j555 |
MPN | Ecc-3ljfam33j555 |
We are a leading direct-to-consumer e-commerce retailer specializing in digital photo and video cameras accessories, consumer electronics and peripherals at highly discounted prices. Our company is small enough to provide great one-on-one service. And at the same time, we’re large enough to buy high volume which passes the discounts onto you. You can be assured we will be here for many years to serve all your future needs. We work very hard to treat our customers great. You can be sure you’ll receive the best service possible. Check out our great feedback and see what customers are saying about us. |
For assistance and if you need further information, please contact us by message us and one of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible. |
We currently ship anywhere in the US for free. We ship within 1-2 business days after receiving cleared payment. Please be aware that weekends and holidays are not business days. Please note: we currently DO NOT ship internationally. If you’re shipping to an international address, please do not bid. We do combined shipping, just please message us first. We will send you the tracking number once it is available. We offer customers a 30 day return/exchange privilege policy. When returning an item please contact customer service by messaging us through eBay so that we can provide you with a (RMA) Return Merchandise Authorization number. If returned without an RMA the customer will be responsible for the return shipping charge. |
We are eager to serve you the best we can. For assistance please send us a message and one of our representatives will be more than happy to provide you with the best possible service.