Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera


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  • Model:TK101 Tripod
  • Portable: The tripod can be inverted and folded back 180 degrees to a compact size of 18 inches, you can store it at the portable bag (included) and easily carry it to anywhere for shooting.
  • 360° Panorama: With two independent control knobs, the specially designed ball-head can rotate 360° allowing you to get the perfect shot every time. The ball-head equipped with a built-in level ensures you to get the straightest shot possible.
  • Ultra-low-angle shooting option: Comes with an extended tube (93mm), which allows you to achieve a lower angle to photograph by replacing the central axis and spreading all tripod legs toward max angle.
  • Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - 3b99e5328272e3ff85c853867ffbd97e Xcsource 20Website 20for 20Ebay 01 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Model:TK101 Tripod


    Portable: The tripod can be inverted and folded back 180 degrees to a compact size of 18 inches, you can store it at the portable bag (included) and easily carry it to anywhere for shooting.


    360° Panorama: With two independent control knobs, the specially designed ball-head can rotate 360° allowing you to get the perfect shot every time. The ball-head equipped with a built-in level ensures you to get the straightest shot possible.


    Ultra-low-angle shooting option: Comes with an extended tube (93mm), which allows you to achieve a lower angle to photograph by replacing the central axis and spreading all tripod legs toward max angle.


    New Design Quick Lock System: New lock system enables you to set up the tripod much easier than brands. Only requires rotating 1/4-1/2 of the knob to unlock/lock the leg for adjusting the tripod height. It effectively shortens the time for height adjustment. Bring a comfortable grip and faster set up.


    Material: High-density Aluminum alloy
    Max Load Capacity: 22 lbs. / 10kg
    Max Height: 65 in / 1640 mm
    Min Height: 22 in / 565 mm
    Storage Length: 18 in / 465 mm
    Leg Lock Type: Twist lock
    Number of Leg Sections: 4
    Max Tube Diameter: 25 mm
    Mix Tube Diameter: 16 mm
    Weight: 3.5 lbs. / 1.61 kg (Includes Ball-head)

    Tilt Range: -45° / +90°
    Panning Range: 360°
    Separate Panning Lock: Yes
    Bubble Level Indicator: Yes
    Head Mount Thread Size: 3/8 in
    Quick Release Thread: 1/4 in

    1 x Tycka 65″ Tripod with ball-head
    1 x Storage bag for ball-head
    1 x Carrying bag
    2 x Wrench
    1 x Extended tube
    1 x Spare screw
    1 x Manual



    Model:TK103 Tripod


    360° Panorama Ball Head
    The 36mm ultra large ball-joint and 3 independent locking knobs make you feel completely secure. 2 professional bubble levels on quick release plate enable you to get precise vertical and horizontal orientation. Pan lock enables you to obtain accurate panoramas with 360-degree panning.

    Featuring CNC machined tripod fork and 28mm in diam. of central column provide the high stability at diverse angles. Spike feet is available for outdoor use (rocky ground, sand and ice surface etc.) to get greater stability.

    Diverse Ways to Use
    Adjusting height from 575mm to 1670mm easily meets different shooting requirements.
    Monopod function for activity or hiking use.
    Lower angle shooting by replacing central column with 90mm tube.
    Inverted central column for low angle or macro-photography use.

    Compatible With: Canon, Nikon, Sony, Leica, Fuji-Film, Pentax, Lumix, Olympus


    Material: High-density Aluminum alloy
    Max Load Capacity: 26 lbs. / 12kg
    Max Height: 65.7 in / 1670 mm
    Min Height: 22.6 in / 575 mm
    Storage Length: 18.5 in / 470 mm
    Leg Lock Type: Twist lock
    Number of Leg Sections: 4
    Max Tube Diameter: 28 mm
    Mix Tube Diameter: 19 mm
    Weight: 3.9 lbs. / 1.8 kg (Includes Ball-head)

    Tilt Range: -45° / +90°
    Panning Range: 360°
    Separate Panning Lock: Yes
    damping Knob: Yes
    Bubble Level Indicator: 2
    Head Mount Thread Size: 3/8 in
    Quick Release Thread: 1/4 in

    1 x Tyack 65″ Tripod with ball-head
    1 x Storage pouch for ball-head
    1 x Carrying bag
    2 x Wrench
    1 x Extended tube
    1 x Spare screw
    3 x Spike feet
    1 x Manual

    Please contact us if you need more help.
    Camera in not included

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 1 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 2 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 3 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 4 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 5 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 6 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 7 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 8 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 9 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK103 A 10 1 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK103 A 10 4 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK103 A 10 5 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK103 A 10 6 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK103 A 10 7 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK103 A 10 8 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK103 A 10 9 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

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    Item Specifics
    Brand : TYCKA
    MPN : Does not apply
    UPC : 4894663342203
    Category : Complete Tripod
    Binding : Electronics
    Material : Aluminum
    Color : Black and Red
    Type : Tripod
    Head Type : Ball Head
    Number of Leg Sections : 4
    ProductGroup : Photography
    Tripod Max Load Capacity : 22 lbs. / 10kg
    Tripod Leg Lock Type : Twist lock
    Tripod Max Height : 65 in / 1640 mm
    Ball-head Panning Range : 360°


    We accept  PayPal  only!

    Our customer service use only eBay email. Please avoid PayPal email as we do not look into it every day.


    Correct Address

    We ship only to PayPal Address. If you want us to ship to other address, please write it down in PayPal Note when you pay! Address variation request via email will not be accepted.

    According to the latest requirements of the Russian post, the seller must write the buyer’s full name (including last name, middle name, first name) on parcel or letter sent to Russia from overseas. Meanwhile, provide buyers exact address for successful delivery. Otherwise, parcel (letter) of any size may be returned.


    Delivery Time

    We will ship your order within 24 hours upon Receiving Cleared Payment except Sunday and Public Holidays.

    Most countries delivery time will be around 12 – 30 days. South America may take 30-40 days.

    Recently the Hong Kong Post announced that all items shipping by air are now subject to x-ray screening for regulated materials. This additional screening has cause delay in shipment. Please be aware that delivery may take a few days longer than usual. Your patience is greatly appreciated.

    For countries with high parcel lost rate likes Italy, Brazil, Chile and Israel, we highly recommend you shall subscribe for the tracking number which is charged by Post Office costs USD 3.0 per parcel. Please add the extra money into the total bill when you pay through PayPal. Write a remark “Paid USD 3.0 for tracking number” in the PayPal Note will certainly help us to process your requirements.

    For any reason if you are unavailable to accept the parcel, then the parcel will be held at your local Mail sorting office waiting for collection by you.

    For Speed Post service, please contact us for quotation before you paid.


    No Combine Shipping

    Combine shipping is not available in general. We will only consider that if you purchase more than 10 pieces with each item less than 50 grams because our postage cost is directly proportionate to the parcel weight on every gram. Please contact our customer service for wholesale arrangement if you are retailer or wholesaler.


    Local Tariff & Taxes

    If your country charges for any import tariff or taxes, it is your responsibility as a citizen to pay for it. We will not be liable if your country custom department detains your parcel.



    REFUND WILL BE GIVEN AS: Merchandise Credit

    If the items are not as described, we will offer a Merchandise Credit. In most cases this will be minus shipping and eBay fees, although if it was a blatant mistake by us we’ll pick up everything. Bottom line, we want you happy!

    We will make every attempt possible to resolve the issue if we made a mistake. Please do not assume a mistake is intentional. Let us know if our service could be better!!!

    Customer Services

    Our customer service team works Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm GMP+8. Please always talk to us via eBay email system.

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - 3b99e5328272e3ff85c853867ffbd97e Xcsource 20Website 20for 20Ebay 01 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Store Cat.
    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Model:TK101 Tripod


    Portable: The tripod can be inverted and folded back 180 degrees to a compact size of 18 inches, you can store it at the portable bag (included) and easily carry it to anywhere for shooting.


    360° Panorama: With two independent control knobs, the specially designed ball-head can rotate 360° allowing you to get the perfect shot every time. The ball-head equipped with a built-in level ensures you to get the straightest shot possible.


    Ultra-low-angle shooting option: Comes with an extended tube (93mm), which allows you to achieve a lower angle to photograph by replacing the central axis and spreading all tripod legs toward max angle.


    New Design Quick Lock System: New lock system enables you to set up the tripod much easier than brands. Only requires rotating 1/4-1/2 of the knob to unlock/lock the leg for adjusting the tripod height. It effectively shortens the time for height adjustment. Bring a comfortable grip and faster set up.


    Material: High-density Aluminum alloy
    Max Load Capacity: 22 lbs. / 10kg
    Max Height: 65 in / 1640 mm
    Min Height: 22 in / 565 mm
    Storage Length: 18 in / 465 mm
    Leg Lock Type: Twist lock
    Number of Leg Sections: 4
    Max Tube Diameter: 25 mm
    Mix Tube Diameter: 16 mm
    Weight: 3.5 lbs. / 1.61 kg (Includes Ball-head)

    Tilt Range: -45° / +90°
    Panning Range: 360°
    Separate Panning Lock: Yes
    Bubble Level Indicator: Yes
    Head Mount Thread Size: 3/8 in
    Quick Release Thread: 1/4 in

    1 x Tycka 65″ Tripod with ball-head
    1 x Storage bag for ball-head
    1 x Carrying bag
    2 x Wrench
    1 x Extended tube
    1 x Spare screw
    1 x Manual



    Model:TK103 Tripod


    360° Panorama Ball Head
    The 36mm ultra large ball-joint and 3 independent locking knobs make you feel completely secure. 2 professional bubble levels on quick release plate enable you to get precise vertical and horizontal orientation. Pan lock enables you to obtain accurate panoramas with 360-degree panning.

    Featuring CNC machined tripod fork and 28mm in diam. of central column provide the high stability at diverse angles. Spike feet is available for outdoor use (rocky ground, sand and ice surface etc.) to get greater stability.

    Diverse Ways to Use
    Adjusting height from 575mm to 1670mm easily meets different shooting requirements.
    Monopod function for activity or hiking use.
    Lower angle shooting by replacing central column with 90mm tube.
    Inverted central column for low angle or macro-photography use.

    Compatible With: Canon, Nikon, Sony, Leica, Fuji-Film, Pentax, Lumix, Olympus


    Material: High-density Aluminum alloy
    Max Load Capacity: 26 lbs. / 12kg
    Max Height: 65.7 in / 1670 mm
    Min Height: 22.6 in / 575 mm
    Storage Length: 18.5 in / 470 mm
    Leg Lock Type: Twist lock
    Number of Leg Sections: 4
    Max Tube Diameter: 28 mm
    Mix Tube Diameter: 19 mm
    Weight: 3.9 lbs. / 1.8 kg (Includes Ball-head)

    Tilt Range: -45° / +90°
    Panning Range: 360°
    Separate Panning Lock: Yes
    damping Knob: Yes
    Bubble Level Indicator: 2
    Head Mount Thread Size: 3/8 in
    Quick Release Thread: 1/4 in

    1 x Tyack 65″ Tripod with ball-head
    1 x Storage pouch for ball-head
    1 x Carrying bag
    2 x Wrench
    1 x Extended tube
    1 x Spare screw
    3 x Spike feet
    1 x Manual

    Please contact us if you need more help.
    Camera in not included

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 1 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 2 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 3 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 4 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 5 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 6 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 7 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 8 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK101 10 A 9 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK103 A 10 1 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK103 A 10 4 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK103 A 10 5 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK103 A 10 6 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK103 A 10 7 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK103 A 10 8 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

    Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - TK103 A 10 9 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera

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    We accept  PayPal  only!

    Our customer service use only eBay email. Please avoid PayPal email as we do not look into it every day.

    Correct Address

    We ship only to PayPal Address. If you want us to ship to other address, please write it down in PayPal Note when you pay! Address variation request via email will not be accepted.

    According to the latest requirements of the Russian post, the seller must write the buyer’s full name (including last name, middle name, first name) on parcel or letter sent to Russia from overseas. Meanwhile, provide buyers exact address for successful delivery. Otherwise, parcel (letter) of any size may be returned.


    Delivery Time

    We will ship your order within 24 hours upon Receiving Cleared Payment except Sunday and Public Holidays.

    Most countries delivery time will be around 12 – 30 days. South America may take 30-40 days.

    Recently the Hong Kong Post announced that all items shipping by air are now subject to x-ray screening for regulated materials. This additional screening has cause delay in shipment. Please be aware that delivery may take a few days longer than usual. Your patience is greatly appreciated.

    For countries with high parcel lost rate likes Italy, Brazil, Chile and Israel, we highly recommend you shall subscribe for the tracking number which is charged by Post Office costs USD 3.0 per parcel. Please add the extra money into the total bill when you pay through PayPal. Write a remark “Paid USD 3.0 for tracking number” in the PayPal Note will certainly help us to process your requirements.

    For any reason if you are unavailable to accept the parcel, then the parcel will be held at your local Mail sorting office waiting for collection by you.

    For Speed Post service, please contact us for quotation before you paid.


    No Combine Shipping

    Combine shipping is not available in general. We will only consider that if you purchase more than 10 pieces with each item less than 50 grams because our postage cost is directly proportionate to the parcel weight on every gram. Please contact our customer service for wholesale arrangement if you are retailer or wholesaler.


    Local Tariff & Taxes

    If your country charges for any import tariff or taxes, it is your responsibility as a citizen to pay for it. We will not be liable if your country custom department detains your parcel.


    REFUND WILL BE GIVEN AS: Merchandise Credit

    If the items are not as described, we will offer a Merchandise Credit. In most cases this will be minus shipping and eBay fees, although if it was a blatant mistake by us we’ll pick up everything. Bottom line, we want you happy!

    We will make every attempt possible to resolve the issue if we made a mistake. Please do not assume a mistake is intentional. Let us know if our service could be better!!!

    Our customer service team works Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm GMP+8. Please always talk to us via eBay email system.




    DataCaciques Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera - img  lid 143005454854 - Professional Heavy Duty Ball head Aluminium Alloy Tripod for DSLR Camera








    Black and Red


    head type

    number of leg sections

    Product Group

    tripod max load capacity

    tripod leg lock type

    tripod max height

    ball-head panning range