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1. Time display, stopwatch, step counter, calories, distance, Sleep monitoring, raise the screen
2. Sport mode, call reminder, message reminder, sedentary reminder, Anti-lost reminder
3. Do not disturb mode, shake photo, find bracelet
4. Full measurement, WeChat exercise, heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen
5. Health Weekly, Language match, OTA Upgrade, IP67
1.Do not use in hot water.
2.This product is waterproof to IP67 and can be used for waterproofing, not diving, or soaking in water for a long time.
3.Please ensure that it is fully charged for the first time. If the power is too low to start, please charge 2-2.5 hours.
4.Android 4.4 or above ,IOS above 8.5 iPhone5s,Bluetooth 4.0.
(Please read the user Manual before use.)
Top cover:tempered glass
Body: zinc alloy / bottom shell ABS + PC
Wrist strap size:258mm*20mm*3mm
Screen:Colorful :1.3 inch
Battery Capacity:180mAh
Standby Time:45 days around
Work Time:10 days around
Charging Method:Charging stand
Charging Time:2 to 2.5 hours
Sensor:Gravity Sensor 3 axis
Bluetooth Version:Bluetooth 4.0
Bluetooth MAC: M20
System:Android 4.4 and above,IOS 8.5 above and iPhone5s above
How to use step by step
1. Download and install APP “Wearfit” from app store/ GooglePlay, or scan QR code in user manual
2. Turn Bluetooth on—do NOT search, pair or any other action. only TURN BLUETOOTH ON
3. Long press the pedometer interface. the QR code appears.
Click “Scan QR Code” on APP.
Scan the QR code and the pairing is successful
Pls remember step 2.
Package include:
1 x M20 Smart watch
1 x Charging Clip
1 x User Manual
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Item Specifics | |
Compatible Brand | Universal |
Brand | HTTB |
Feature | Blood Pressure / Heart rate /Blood oxygen/ Sleep Monitor |
color | Black/Orange/Blue |
MPN | HTTB-BTD0198-1 |
Bluetooth | 4.0 |
Model | M20 Wristband |
Operating System | Android,IOS |
Waterproof | IP67 |
» We accept Paypal payment only. Please make sure you are able to pay by Paypal before purchasing.
» Payment was expected within 48 hours. E-cheque will be held until cleared.
» Please make sure you select the correct shipping address when paying for this item.
» All items will be shipped within 1 business days after payment cleared.
» Your package will be shipped from our US warehouse.
» Delivery time varies between 2-7 business days or longer depending on the shipping area (i.e Hawaii, Alaska, APO).
» All our products have been checked and packed in good condition.
» Every product gets a 30-day Hassle-Free Warranty.
We highly appreciate that you can contact us first if any problem occured. We will do our best to resolve the issues for you.
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#product18_479f7b481e9fa3a53d617b933be18aec .price{ #product18_479f7b481e9fa3a53d617b933be18aec .price:after{ Waterproof Sport Smart Watch Blood Pressure Heart Rate Monitor Health Tracker
Specifications: 1. Time display, stopwatch, step counter, calories, distance, Sleep monitoring, raise the screen 2. Sport mode, call reminder, message reminder, sedentary reminder, Anti-lost reminder 3. Do not disturb mode, shake photo, find bracelet 4. Full measurement, WeChat exercise, heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen 5. Health Weekly, Language match, OTA Upgrade, IP67
Note: 1.Do not use in hot water. 2.This product is waterproof to IP67 and can be used for waterproofing, not diving, or soaking in water for a long time. 3.Please ensure that it is fully charged for the first time. If the power is too low to start, please charge 2-2.5 hours. 4.Android 4.4 or above ,IOS above 8.5 iPhone5s,Bluetooth 4.0. (Please read the user Manual before use.)
Features: Top cover:tempered glass Body: zinc alloy / bottom shell ABS + PC Strap:silicone Wrist strap size:258mm*20mm*3mm Screen:Colorful :1.3 inch Waterproof:IP67 Battery Capacity:180mAh Standby Time:45 days around Work Time:10 days around Charging Method:Charging stand Charging Time:2 to 2.5 hours Sensor:Gravity Sensor 3 axis APP:Wearfit Bluetooth Version:Bluetooth 4.0 Bluetooth MAC: M20 System:Android 4.4 and above,IOS 8.5 above and iPhone5s above
How to use step by step
Package include: 1 x M20 Smart watch
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On Mar-12-19 at 23:32:00 PDT, seller added the following information: